
since 2006

Assistance services in supplying products in Russia

If you decide to start import in Russia and don't know what to begin with you are in right page!

Entering new market always means obtaining a lot of information and spending a lot of time. It is necessary for business to save both of it. Our company targets to save client's money and time.

We know all about business in Russia, all legal regulations and all about business habits by Russians. We can predict some authority's actions and avoid huge damage from it. But sometimes we need strong partner who can supply product Russians need.

Over 140 mil. people population gives good oportunity to gain some profit. But often unknowelgement and fear don't allow just to start.

What kind of products Russians more needed?

Of course we can simlply provide legal serivces for business beginners. But we are more interested in participation in prospective projects.

Russians as humans eat meal, wear clothes, like to attract. Due to cold weather some of fruits and vegetables don't grow in Russia. However Russians desire to taste avocado, mango, pineapple, banana and others. Beside meal Russians wish to obtain electronics and other kinds of goods.

What kind of services can we porvide?

There are a lot of suppliers supplying these kind of products but not all of them risk to enter Russian market (due to economical reasons, sanctions, fear, unawareness etc.).

To avoid all these obstacles we propose some win-win solutions.

Firstly for those who don't want to go deep with Russian rules and regulations and just wish to sell we can sponsor the supplying. In this case we can invest in some capacity, buyer searching etc. All we need from the partner is just supplying.

Second way is to find an investor. If your ammount of products so high and it is needed to find some investors we can find it and sign the contract directly with supplier or through ourselves.

Another collaboration way is a full partnership which means all actions according to all-sides confrimation. In this case we set up a company in which we and the partner will be the shareholders. We form all documents (articles of incorporation, agreement etc.). The supplier appoints a representative and we begin.

For more information or in case of any questions existence please don't hesitate reach us through WhatsApp, mail or phone mentioned above or in contact page.

We are working around the world for the best solutions.